The footpath to the dam area at the north end of the lake leaves from the parking area. |
Weapon of choice in the weeds and logs: a weedless rubber frog. |
Gilbert, Larry, and friends traverse the dam hunting bass. |
Great bass and perch holds in the grass at the north end of the lake, this shot taken from the spillway. |
The spillway appears slimy and treacherous to walk upon it's actually a breeze to walk out the 100 yards to the dam. |
The dam and the White River continuing below. The pond was occupied by a 40-pound carp, a paddlefish, and a small black gar. |
Riparian biome extends from the spillway into the tree line. |
A log across the spillway with a water moccasin hiding beneath it. Luckily, Gilbert there warned me about it before I sat down. |