Aug 24, 2011

Day Trip: Lake Sequoyaw and Upper White

If you get a free afternoon this fall, head out Hwy 16 east of Fayetteville and check out Lake Sequoyaw (that might not be the exact spelling).  It's the first impoundment on the White River and offers great scenics and sometimes, great fishing for perch, bass, and crappie.  I visited the dam at its north end to photograph the 'ripa' there and get the lo-down on the fishing from some locals.

The footpath to the dam area at the north end of the
lake leaves from the parking area.

Weapon of choice in the weeds and
logs: a weedless rubber frog.

Gilbert, Larry, and friends traverse the dam hunting bass.

Great bass and perch holds in the grass at the north end of
the lake, this shot taken from the spillway. 

The spillway appears slimy and treacherous to walk upon
 it's actually a breeze to walk out the 100 yards to the dam. 

The dam and the White River continuing below.  The pond
was occupied by a 40-pound carp, a paddlefish,
and a small black gar. 

Riparian biome extends from the
spillway into the tree line. 

A log across the spillway with a water moccasin hiding
beneath it.  Luckily, Gilbert there warned me about it
before I sat down.